Dallas Texas - Highland Park - SMU - 75209

Blog Posts

Alamo Close Up Columns

Master Mason’s Lodge In The Alamo 2015

Dallas Masons Return To The Alamo Masons from many of the Lodges in Dallas, including Hillcrest Masonic Lodge and Highland Park Masonic Lodge met in fellowship for an exclusive night in the Alamo. The Masons of Hillcrest Lodge had another great trip to the Alamo.  This has been our 4th […]

On the deck of the Lexington

Master Mason Degree on U.S. Aircraft Carrier

Dallas Masons travel to Corpus Christi to observe a Master Masons Degree on the USS Lexington Masons from all over the state, including the Grand Master and members of Hillcrest Lodge travelled to witness a historic Master Masons degree on the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi Texas.  Hillcrest Brethren delivered […]

Dallas Fort Worth Freemasons

Dallas Fort Worth Freemasons Meeting Together On The Level

  Dallas & Fort Worth Masons came together for Hillcrest Masonic Lodge’s September Stated Meeting Freemasons from many masonic lodges in Dallas and Fort Worth met together at Hillcrest Masonic Lodge #1318 to visit and enjoy in masonic fellowship, and in hopes to receive one of Hillcrest Masonic Lodges new […]

Masonic Freemason Lapel Pin for Hillcrest Masonic Lodge

Hillcrest Masonic Lodge Lapel Pins

  Hillcrest Masonic Lodge Lapel Pins Are In! The lapel pins for Hillcrest Lodge are in and look fantastic.  They were designed by our Brother Chaplain, Kyle Wahlquist and display the masonic symbols of the skull, crossed keys, the square and compass as well as an evergreen wreath.  At the […]

Love Field Lodge Building

Love Field Masonic Lodge Consolidates with Hillcrest Lodge

Two Lodges Unified Into One Lodge with the Strength of Two   The Grand Master Mike Wiggins, in a letter dated July 31, 2015 and addressed to the attention of the Secretary of Love Field Lodge No. 1274, A.F.& A.M. and Secretary of Hillcrest Lodge No. 1318, A.F.& A.M., has […]

Hillcrest Lodge Festive Board with Brent Morris

Hillcrest Lodge 2015 Festive Board With Brent Morris

Hillcrest Lodge 2015 Festive Board With Guest Lecturer Brent Morris As usual, our Masonic Festive Board held at Chamberlains Steakhouse in Addison Texas was a huge success with the Brethren of Hillcrest Lodge and our Brother Dallas Masons.  Brent Morris was our Guest Lecturer this year and he did a […]

Jewel P. Lightfoots Festive Board

2015 Jewel P. Lightfoot Festive Board

Jewel P. Lightfoots Festive Board with Author Andrew Hammer On Thursday March 19th 2015 a few of the brethren from Hillcrest Lodge joined up with the brothers from Jewel P. Lightfoot masonic lodge for their 8th annual festive board.  The event was held in its traditional location at Morton’s Steakhouse […]

Scott Brosi’s Golden Trowel Awards Ceremony

On Tuesday March 10th 2015, Scott Brosi, Past Master 2001-2002 of Hillcrest Masonic Lodge received his Golden Trowel On Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2015, Hillcrest Lodge formally awarded the Golden Trowel Award to Past Master Scott Brosi. As mentioned in the March Beacon, the Golden Trowel is a means […]

Texas House of Representatives

Freemasons Recognized For Texas Independence Day (Video)

The Texas State Legislature Recognized the Freemasons of Texas on the 2015 Texas Independence Day For Texas Independence Day 2015 the Texas Government by way of the Texas State Legislature recognized the Masons of Texas and the Grand Lodge of Texas in the Texas State Legislature as being a key […]

Fantastic Teeth Member Loading Bags

2015 Fantastic Teeth Program

Hillcrest Lodge Having Fun While Helping Others The Fantastic Teeth Fan Club is a program created by the Masonic Home and School of Texas, led by our own Past Grand Master Elmer Murphey III. The program is designed to help children and parents learn about proper dental care. Since The […]