The Mason Society stretches back from time immemorial. Quite literally Freemasonry and the Masonic Society go back before written records of it’s existence.
Masonic Origin & The Mason Secret Society
It is difficult to know the true origin of the Freemason Society, but you can still enjoy in the fellowship that the Brotherhood creates. It is often said that Freemasonry is a secret, however there is no Mason secret society society. The fraternity has not been a Freemason secret society in over 300 years when it established itself in the early 18th century under the Grand Lodge of England. Prior to that, the predecessor organization, the stone mason secret society did exist, and in fact was very secretive. However after the operative Masonic Society was slowly infiltrated and later replaced by speculative Freemasons, the organization transformed from a secret society, to a society with secrets.
The Modern Masonic Society
Today the Masonic Society that exists can teach qualified men the Masonic secrets that the Brotherhood still holds dear. These secrets explain symbols which are provided in our Masonic Rituals, and assist good men, on how to live a better life. The Society does not offer a path towards salvation, or offer any dogma that would take the place of religion, however we do offer practical and ancient traditions on how to live a proper and noble life, which every religion would endorse.
Our society offers a fellowship of true Brotherhood. The bonds you make in Masonry will last your lifetime. With a global network of men in every country in the world, as a Freemason, there will always be good men welcoming you as a Brother.
Hillcrest’s Masonic Society
Hillcrest Lodge is also very family oriented. Not only are we a tight knit group, we strengthen our bonds by including our families and friends whenever possible. This includes our monthly Masonic social, some of our Masonic dinners, holiday parties, and our Monthly fellowship dinners prior to our stated meetings.
If you consider yourself a good man and would like to learn more about becoming a part of the Masonic Society, reach out to us.