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About Hillcrest Masonic Lodge
Est. 1949, Hillcrest Masonic Lodge was started as the premier Masonic Lodge for Southern Methodist University students, faculty and alumni by members of Highland Park Masonic Lodge in an attempt to provide more of a Masonic presence in Highland Park. Over the past 65 years Hillcrest has grown beyond its initial audience, including members of various walks of life, it continues to keep ties with SMU and is now a staple of Freemasonry in Dallas TX as one of the prominent lodges in DFW.
What Hillcrest Provides
Hillcrest Masonic Lodge provides education on our long standing traditions, an understanding of the symbols behind our degrees, and a chance to improve yourself and give back to your community
Masonic Rituals
The Rituals or Rites of Freemasonry have been performed for centuries and we are proud to offer world class ceremonies to our initiates
Masonic Education
Between our instructors and our educational dinners with world class speakers, you will be exposed to the brightest masonic minds available
A Masonic Lodge has a framework for organizational leadership which most modern governments were based off of; with the right mentorship, Masonry can provide you with valuable leadership opportunities
Our Charities
Between scholarships for SMU students, to blood drives for the Scottish Rite Hospital, to programs for elementary schools, Freemasonry will give you opportunities to give back

Why become a Freemason? Knowledge, History, Fellowship ...
Become Part of the Establishment
Learn More About Requesting MembershipInquire
The first step to becoming a Freemason, especially if you don't know any, is to get to know some of us. Becoming a Freemason is a very personal decision and is not a right fit for everyone. We want to get to know you to make sure Masonry is right for you, and you should get to know us to understand if we are the right lodge for you.
No one is asked to become a Freemason. This is not a society that has been privately selected by invitation only. Our Fraternity is built on free minded men who seek out and ask to be made a Mason. Once you have gotten to know some of the Brethren, ask for a petition. They will let you know if they think it is right for you and the right time to join.
Read MorePetition
Once you fill out your petition, you will need 5 Freemasons to vouch for you by signing it. This is one of the reasons it is so important to get to know some of the members. After you have your petition submitted an investigation committee will be assigned to your request and will meet with you to explore your interest
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Hillcrest Lodge Hosts First Annual District 14 Masonic Bowling Tournament
Written by: By Scott Whitten, MC In a spirited celebration of competition and camaraderie, Hillcrest Lodge #1318 hosted its first annual District 14 Bowling Tournament on October 30, 2023, bringing together Brothers from Hillcrest, Tannehill #52 and Dallas #760 Lodges for an eventful evening filled with strikes, spares, and brotherly […]
Field Trip to Nation’s Capitol
Hillcrest Members Travel to Washington, DC for Second Annual Trip Multiple members of Hillcrest Lodge #1318 traveled to our nation’s capitol this past week as part of our second annual field trip. We were invited by the Grand Master of DC, M.W. Charbel T. Fahed, who sat in Hillcrest Lodge […]

Learn More About The Masonic Lodge
Interested in learning about Freemasonry & Hillcrest Masonic Lodge? We have compiled our top educational videos, articles and pages into one place. Click on the following headers to find relevant answers to your questions.

2019 Grand Annual Communication
Several Hillcrest brothers were in Waco this past weekend attending the 183rd Grand Annual Communication. The Annual Communication is held once a year and is where the general legislation for Texas Masonry takes place. Over the weekend, resolutions are passed and new Grand Lodge officers are voted in. Many of […]

Dallas Masons Take Over the Big Easy
Multiple Hillcrest members travel to Etoile Polaire Lodge #1 in New Orleans for a memorable night Several Hillcrest brethren traveled to New Orleans to see one of the few Red Lodges in the nation practicing Scottish Rite ritual. Etoile Polaire Lodge #1 was founded in 1794 just outside of the […]

Master Mason Degree Inside Texas State Capitol
Dallas Masons Attend Master Mason Degree on the House Chamber Floor of the State Capitol Multiple members of Hillcrest Lodge drove down to Austin to attend a very special experience in Texas Masonry. Texana Lodge #123 received special dispensation and performed a Master Masons Degree on the House Chamber Floor […]

Texas Lodge of Research Officer Installation Ceremony
HILLCREST PAST MASTER CHRIS LIVINGSTON INSTALLED AS MASTER OF TEXAS LODGE OF RESEARCH 2018-2019 The Texas Lodge of Research held their Spring meeting and Officer Installation at Hillcrest Masonic Lodge on April 21st, 2018. Past Master Chris Livingston, who is also the current President of the 14th District MWSA, was […]

District Deputy Grand Master Wahlquist’s Official Visit to Hillcrest
Thursday March 1st 2017 was Kyle Wahlquist’s first official visit to Hillcrest Lodge since taking on the honor of serving as District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District 14-B. This was a special visit for Brother Wahlquist, as Hillcrest is not only his Mother Lodge, but he is also a […]

2B1Ask1 is a phrase used to help instruct men on how to become a Mason. Hillcrest Lodge is moving past this, and we hope you and your Lodges will too 2B1Ask1 As members, we have all heard or seen 2b1Ask1 too often. It is the branded messaging of Masonic Lodges […]

Famous Texas Freemasons
A List Of Famous Freemasons In Texas Stephen F. Austin Stephen F. Austin, a member of Louisiana Lodge No. 111 at Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, sought to establish Freemasonry in Texas. Freemasonry was well established among the educated classes of Mexican society. It had been introduced among the aristocracy loyal to the House of Bourbon, […]