Dallas Texas - Highland Park - SMU - 75209

Famous Texas Freemasons

Famous Texas Freemasons

Famous Texas Freemasons

A List Of Famous Freemasons In Texas Stephen F. Austin Stephen F. Austin, a member of Louisiana Lodge No. 111 at Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, sought to establish Freemasonry in Texas. Freemasonry was well established among the educated classes of Mexican society. It had been introduced among the aristocracy loyal to the House of Bourbon, […]

Hillcrest Lodge Festive Board with Brent Morris

Hillcrest Lodge 2015 Festive Board With Brent Morris

Hillcrest Lodge 2015 Festive Board With Guest Lecturer Brent Morris As usual, our Masonic Festive Board held at Chamberlains Steakhouse in Addison Texas was a huge success with the Brethren of Hillcrest Lodge and our Brother Dallas Masons.  Brent Morris was our Guest Lecturer this year and he did a […]

Robert L D Cooper - Freemason & Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland

Masonic Lecture from the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Robert L D Cooper

Dallas Masons were given a treat by the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.  On January 28th,2014, the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, Brother Robert L. D. Cooper presented to the Master Masons of Dallas Texas a masonic lecture at a closed meeting at the Scottish Rite […]