Dallas Texas - Highland Park - SMU - 75209

Past Masters


Past Masters are the men who have gone through the degrees and memory work of Freemasonry, served their lodges in various official positions, spent countless hours serving others, and have spent a year leading their lodge as Worshipful Master or the presiding officer.  With the prominence of Hillcrest Lodge and the responsibilities it requires its leadership to take upon themselves, the men below are to be commended as having served their craft with the utmost zeal.


* J.D. Huckaby 1949
* Harold Bateman 1949-1950
* Fred H. Mayes 1950-1951
* J.A. Guinn 1951-1952
* T.B. Arledge 1952-1953
* Charles H. Davis 1953-1954
* Marvin Norwood 1954-1955
* Otto Consolvo 1955-1956
* Joe H. Humphrey 1956-1957
* N.P. Chesnutt 1957-1958
* Douglas B. Reid 1958-1959
* Lee Roy Kelso 1959-1960
* Robert E. Daniel 1960-1961
* Richard H. Bookout 1961-1962
* Perry L. Howell, Sr. 1962-1963
* Lewis A. Cutshall 1963-1964
W. Crozier Gowan, Jr. 1965-1966
* Elliott R. Hallowell 1966-1967
* Robert L. Ross 1967-1968
William F. Nutting, Jr. 1968-1969
* James T. Groves, Jr. 1969-1970
* John H. Sommers 1970-1971
* Roland G. Sager 1971-1972
* C. Judson Dranguet 1972-1973
* William O. Moore 1973-1974
* Herbert S. Kendrick, Jr. 1974-1975
Robert E. Edwards 1975-1976
Elwood A. Nieman 1976-1977
* Jack E. Williams 1977-1978
* George T. Marchmont, Jr. 1978-1979
* Glynn S. Gregory 1979-1980
Michael B. Lindsey 1980-1981
* Mark C. Mueller 1981-1982
* Perry D. Loomer, Jr. 1982-1983
Elmer Murphey, III 1983-1984
* A. Jerry Roberts 1984-1985
* Howard S. Lard 1985-1986
Cleveland G. Clinton 1986-1987
Jon E. Fogg 1987-1988
Gregory P. Oliver 1988-1989
* R. Joe Sewell 1989-1990
Max F. Gilley 1990-1991
Alan E. Jacobus 1991-1992
* George L. Matuskey 1992-1993
* Stan G. Roth 1993-1994
William H. Cormany, Jr. 1994-1995
* Carroll C. Coker 1995-1996
* Wallace P. Finfrock 1996-1997
James W. Kendrick 1997-1998
F. Edwin Smith, Jr. 1998-1999
Elmer Murphey, III (1) 1999-2000
W. Majors Harris 2000-2001
Scott C. Brosi 2001-2002
* R. Eugene McDaniel 2002-2003
Patrick Kevin Briody 2003-2004
Donald L. Hawkes 2004-2005
Gary McDonald 2005-2006
Larry V. Hall 2006-2007
Stephen Gooch 2007-2008
Stuart Mason 2008-2009
Gregg Yates 2009-2010
Kyle Wahlquist 2010-2011
Ben Gilley 2011-2012
Ken Knotts 2012-2013
Jadd Masso 2013-2014
Jake Golvach 2014-2015
Mitchell Breier 2015-2016
Christopher Livingston 2016-2017
David Ritter 2017-2018
Doug Kuzanek 2018-2019
Seth Alston 2019-2020
Stephen Berryman 2020-2021
Jim Rumsey 2021-2022
Christopher Robinson 2022-2023
Grady Smart 2023-2024


* Dr. A.M. Shelton 1938-1939
* Jewel R. Stephens 1939-1940
* E. Logan Burks 1940-1941
* Herbert E. Love, Sr. 1941-1942
* Porter T. Bennett 1942-1943
* Theodore C. Ruhling 1943-1944
* Homer T. Skinner 1944-1945
* Carroll R. Davis 1945-1946
* Richard E. Gray, Sr. 1946-1947
* Wm. Byron Coke, Sr. 1947-1948
* Clarence N. Penn 1948-1949
* Leon W.M. Sanders 1949-1950
* Herbert B. Sutton 1950-1951
* Frank L. Bullard 1951-1952
* C. Harry Chace 1952-1953
* Ira DeWitt McAfee 1953-1954
* Wade Marrill Fyke 1954-1955
* Melvin Lee Smith 1955-1956
* Denzel R. Ledgerwood 1956-1957
* Elzie M. McDonald 1957-1958
* Joe Conrad Hays, Jr. 1958-1959
* Arthur L. Pederson 1959-1960
* Robert Russell Allen 1960-1961
* Jack Horace Broom 1961-1962
Neil A. Harris 1962-1963
* Robert P. Gresham 1963-1964
* Dewey H. Faulkner 1964-1965
* Alex Spradlin 1965-1966
* William G. Kemp 1966-1967
* Wm. R. Whitehead, Jr. 1967-1968
* George A. Randall 1968-1969
* William W. Davison 1969-1970
* James A. Clanton 1970-1971
* Warren H. Grasley 1971-1972
Arnold D. Nalls 1972-1973
* Zelmer Z. Mitchell 1973-1974
* Aubrey D. Preston 1974-1975
* Wallace W. Wilson 1975-1976
* Allen O. Wall 1976-1977
* Walter E. Crowe 1977-1978
* Milton Roy Stevens 1978-1979
* Porter Sadler, Jr. 1979-1980
Jack Tracy Walton 1980-1981
* George W. Ahrens 1981-1982
* Marvin A. Buhk 1982-1983
Billie Winston Robinett. 1983-1984
* Robert F. Hoyt 1984-1985
* Donald E. Rardin 1985-1986
* Charles S. Stevens 1986-1987
* C. Wallace Pugh 1987-1988
* Jack M. Sullivan 1988-1989
Howard Case Tunnell 1989-1990
* James A. Clanton 1990-1991
* C.A. Wheat, Jr. 1991-1992
Billy Jack Davis 1992-1993
* Larry G. Canada 1993-1994
James Douglas Long 1994-1995
Billie W. Robinett 1995-1996
Billy Jack Davis 1996-1997
James Carl Key, III 1997-1998
Charles I. Acker, Jr. 1998-1999
Saul Perez Sanchez 1999-2000
Richard George Brett 2000-2001
Cecil Eugene Jackson 2001-2002
Roscoe Leonard Canada 2002-2003
James Wesley Pierce 2003-2004
Bobby Jack Jacobs 2004-2005
Charles I. Acker, Jr. 2005-2006
Jaime Gonzalez 2006-2007
John S. Townsend, IV 2007-2008
Victor Gonzalez 2008-2009
Bobby Jack Jacobs 2009-2010
James Wesley Pierce 2010-2011
James Wesley Pierce 2011-2012
Thomas L. Williams 2012-2013
John S. Townsend, IV 2013-2014
Richard G. Brett 2014-2015
Richard G. Brett 2015


While these Past Masters did not serve their year of leadership at Hillcrest Lodge, we are honored to recognize them among our ranks as affiliated members of Hillcrest.

* T.H. Avery, Jr.
* James K. Biggs
Gregory J. Hulett
* Sam Marshall
* L. Paul Meadows
* Charles F. Ramsey
* Dr. A.M. Shelton
* William B. Tillery
* C.J. Range
* Charles H. Kelly
* Chester L. Moffett
* Jack B. Hall
R.W. Leonard P. Harvey, PGM
* Leonard E. Hoffman, Jr.
* Benny Sumblin
Christopher D. Livingston
Justin C. Bauer
James P. Bowie
Willie E. Smith, Jr.
Jimmy Rumsey
Gregory J. Hulett
Gary McConnel
George Morehead

* Deceased

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