Dallas Freemasonry

Hillcrest Lodge Hosts First Annual District 14 Masonic Bowling Tournament
Written by: By Scott Whitten, MC In a spirited celebration of competition and camaraderie, Hillcrest Lodge #1318 hosted its first annual District 14 Bowling Tournament on October 30, 2023, bringing together Brothers from Hillcrest, Tannehill #52 and Dallas #760 Lodges for an eventful evening filled with strikes, spares, and brotherly […]
Field Trip to Nation’s Capitol
Hillcrest Members Travel to Washington, DC for Second Annual Trip Multiple members of Hillcrest Lodge #1318 traveled to our nation’s capitol this past week as part of our second annual field trip. We were invited by the Grand Master of DC, M.W. Charbel T. Fahed, who sat in Hillcrest Lodge […]

Dallas Masons Take Over the Big Easy
Multiple Hillcrest members travel to Etoile Polaire Lodge #1 in New Orleans for a memorable night Several Hillcrest brethren traveled to New Orleans to see one of the few Red Lodges in the nation practicing Scottish Rite ritual. Etoile Polaire Lodge #1 was founded in 1794 just outside of the […]

Texas Lodge of Research Officer Installation Ceremony
HILLCREST PAST MASTER CHRIS LIVINGSTON INSTALLED AS MASTER OF TEXAS LODGE OF RESEARCH 2018-2019 The Texas Lodge of Research held their Spring meeting and Officer Installation at Hillcrest Masonic Lodge on April 21st, 2018. Past Master Chris Livingston, who is also the current President of the 14th District MWSA, was […]

Marcus Martins Receives Masters Degree
On Thursday, July 20th 2017 Brother Marcus Martins became a Master Mason. Brother Marcus has shown extreme proficiency in the work and dedication to Hillcrest Lodge. He has learned the memory work for the first two degrees at a head spinning pace. Brother Marcus has shown a desire to teach the […]

Why A Man Becomes A Freemason [Video]
Our Brethren from Massachusetts put this video together on why men today decide to join the Masonic Fraternity. It is a very well done video that strikes to the point of what Freemasonry is, and why men join The Craft. If you think Freemasonry might be right for you, and […]