Hillcrest Members Travel to Washington, DC for Second Annual Trip
Multiple members of Hillcrest Lodge #1318 traveled to our nation’s capitol this past week as part of our second annual field trip. We were invited by the Grand Master of DC, M.W. Charbel T. Fahed, who sat in Hillcrest Lodge earlier in the year. Part of our trip included visiting Jerusalem Lodge #3000, lunch with Brent Morris and Arturo De Hoyos, Thanksgiving Celebration at the George Washington Masonic Memorial, and of course taking in all of the sites.
Great times were had by all, and multiple stories were made. “Being with all of my brothers in this historical place was amazing!” Senior Warden Stephen Berryman said of the trip. “I can’t wait to see where we go next.”
Last year, Hillcrest members took over New Orleans with hopes of taking a Masonic trip every year. “Going to DC has been on my bucket list for a while,” said Chaplain Kyle Wahlquist. “I’m so happy this worked out and we got to go as a Lodge.”