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Blog Posts

Anderson's Constitution

Origin Of Freemasonry In Question

The Widely Accepted History of the Origins of Masonry and the Grand Lodge of England In 1723, The Constitutions of the Free-Masons by James Anderson boldly contains a history of Freemasonry starting with the creation of the world by the “great Architect of the Universe.” Anderson claimed Adam (yes, that […]

Masters Degree for Brother Martins

Marcus Martins Receives Masters Degree

On Thursday, July 20th 2017 Brother Marcus Martins became a Master Mason.  Brother Marcus has shown extreme proficiency in the work and dedication to Hillcrest Lodge.  He has learned the memory work for the first two degrees at a head spinning pace.  Brother Marcus has shown a desire to teach the […]

Representative of the Grand Lodge of France Visits Hillcrest Lodge

Hillcrest Lodge Attracting Global Visitors Brother Pierre Cutaya of of Saint Jean des Hospitaliers Lodge in Toulouse and representative of the Grand Lodge of France visits Hillcrest Lodge. Hillcrest Masonic Lodge had the honor of hosting Brother Pierre Cutaya on July 20th, 2017.  Brother Cutaya is a representative of the Grand […]

John Connors Masters Degree

John Connors Receives His Master Mason Degree

On Tuesday May 16th Hillcrest Masonic Lodge raised it’s newest Master Mason, John Connors. Connors has shown enthusiasm in the work and Hillcrest Lodge and was quick to pick up and complete the first two degrees.  He has worked meticulously to master the memory work, and plans to start instructing […]

Announcement: Lodge Room Renovation Has Begun

Lodge Room Renovation Has Started! On Saturday September 10th 2016, The Brethren of Hillcrest Lodge started work on the Lodge Room remodeling project. We started at 10am, promptly after Callan’s stated meeting. Many showed up in attendance from Hillcrest. Some of the guys from Callan stayed around to help and brought […]

Why Men Become Freemasons

Why A Man Becomes A Freemason [Video]

Our Brethren from Massachusetts put this video together on why men today decide to join the Masonic Fraternity.  It is a very well done video that strikes to the point of what Freemasonry is, and why men join The Craft. If you think Freemasonry might be right for you, and […]

Freemasonry Pauses Wars: A Masonic Response To Violence In Dallas

The Dallas Police Officer Shootings on July 7th 2016 Prompts A Masonic Response to Violence and the Need for Freemasonry in Today’s Society A Personal, Fraternal, and Societal Tragedy A message from our Worshipful Master, Chris Livingston… As many of you know, I have spent the past decade representing police […]

Patrick Briody’s Golden Trowel Award Ceremony

On On Saturday, April 30, 2016, at an open meeting of Hillcrest Lodge; Past Master Patrick Briody was presented with the Golden Trowel Award. Since its inception, the Golden Trowel Award is a way for Lodges to recognize and honor distinguished members with an official award from the Grand Lodge of Texas. The award is used by all Texas Lodges and […]

texas scottish rite childrens hospital

What is a Mason? [Video]

“What is a Mason?”  is a question we often get asked by inquirers to the craft. What is a Mason is a simple question that can be a complex answer with many responses.  However below is a great short video from some of those we impact who describe who they […]

How Stone Masons Built Cathedrals [Video]

Building Heaven On Earth Below is a great documentary from the BBC, which details the process and spiritual symbolism of the operative stone masons.  These same understandings are what came to be the foundation of the Freemasons and speculative masonry. Building usually started at the east end, where mass was celebrated. […]