Dallas Texas - Highland Park - SMU - 75209


Dallas Rock and Roll Marathon

Dallas Rock and Roll Marathon 2013

Dallas Rock and Roll Marathon This year was the third year for Hillcrest Lodge to help out with the Dallas Rock & Roll Marathon and first year to run a water station.  Being that we did not know we were going to be counted on to be totally in charge […]

Hillcrest Masonic Lodge Raises a Master Mason

Hillcrest Lodge welcomes its newest Master Mason, Brother Micah Thornton, raised on Saturday, February 16, 2013.  Brother Thornton is a third generation Master Mason and both his grandfather and father were present.  The grandfather, Brother Dennis Thornton is currently the Senior Warden at Sapulpa Lodge #170 under jurisdiction of the […]

Dallas Masons at Trinity Hall

Dallas Masonic Lodge Happy Hour!

The Happy Hour that was put on by Hillcrest Masonic Lodge, in conjunction with Jewel P. Lightfoot Masonic Lodge, as well as the Masters Wardens and Secretaries Association of the 14th District was a great success! This first attempt at a multi-lodge happy hour was a success!  We had attendance with representatives of no […]

Ken Knotts pinning the Golden Trowel Lapel Pin on Harry Wood

Golden Trowel Award Holiday Party

Hillcrest Masonic Lodge Awards the Golden Trowel to Brother Harry Wood The Golden Trowel Award is something known in masonry given to very few men.  It is the highest esteem that brethren of a lodge can bestow upon any one member.  It is the equivalent of a masonic lifetime achievement award and […]

Alamo Masonic Lodge

Alamo Masonic Lodge Trip

Remembering the Alamo The Trip This month some of the Brethren from Hillcrest Masonic Lodge travelled down to visit with some of our brothers in San Antonio, and more specifically the Alamo Masonic Lodge.  Once a year, the brethren of Alamo Masonic Lodge are allowed by the city of San […]