Jewel P. Lightfoots Festive Board with Author Andrew Hammer
On Thursday March 19th 2015 a few of the brethren from Hillcrest Lodge joined up with the brothers from Jewel P. Lightfoot masonic lodge for their 8th annual festive board. The event was held in its traditional location at Morton’s Steakhouse in Uptown Dallas Texas.
Andrew Hammer: Observing the Craft
Andrew Hammer, author of “Observing the Craft” was the speaker for this years black tie festive board. Needless to say the event was well attended. Andrew Hammer who wrote “Observing the Craft: The Pursuit of Excellence In Masonic Labour And Observance” is a Past Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge number 22, A.F & A.M. He holds a Gold Card in the Grand Lodge of Virginia, which certifies his proficiency in all aspects of Masonic ritual. He is a Royal Arch Mason, a Companion of the Allied Masonic Degrees and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason. He is a member of the Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle, the Philalethes Society, the Masonic Society, and sits on the Executive Committee of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. He resides in Alexandria Virginia.
Andrew Hammers lecture was fantastic and it is the recommendation of this author to those who are interested in masonic history and how to improve their lodges, to pick up and read a copy of “Observing the Craft.”
It is always good to get brethren together from multiple lodges, and this event achieved that. There were men from 10 lodges present including Hillcrest Lodge, Irving Lodge, Tannehill Lodge, A.C. Garrett Lodge, Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge, and even as far away as from San Marcos Lodge outside of Austin Texas.