“What is a Mason?” is a question we often get asked by inquirers to the craft.
What is a Mason is a simple question that can be a complex answer with many responses. However below is a great short video from some of those we impact who describe who they think we are.
Masons helped found the Texas Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital in 1921 who recognized a growing need to provide superior medical care regardless of a family’s ability to pay. They approached Dr. W. B. Carrell, Dallas’ first orthopedic surgeon, about providing care for children with polio who would otherwise not receive treatment. Together they established Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas, Texas.
With the introduction of the Salk and Sabin vaccines in the mid-1950s, which virtually eradicated polio in the Western Hemisphere, the hospital began focusing its attention on orthopedic conditions. The TSRHC is one of the nation’s leading pediatric centers for the treatment of orthopedic conditions, certain related neurological disorders and learning disorders, such as dyslexia.
Today, the Masons continue to have a huge impact on the hospital and the children who go there for treatment, but recently, we found that there might be a little confusion on what exactly a Mason is… Watch the video to find out how some of the kids answered this question.