Multiple Dallas Masonic Lodges Came together for an event…
Some of the Dallas Masonic Lodges got together recently to dedicate a new altar donated by family of beloved member Brother Porter Sadler, Jr. Brother Sadler was a long time and dedicated member of Love Field Lodge, and after his passing, his lovely wife and son saw it fit to donate a new altar on to the lodge on his behalf. The presentation & dedication ceremony was led by R.W. Leonard Harvey P.G.M. and there were over 50 in attendance from Love Field, Hillcrest, and Callan Masonic Lodges .
After a wonderful presentation by R.W. Harvey, Brother Sadler’s wife Dorothy stood up and said a few words. She mentioned how much Freemasonry had filled her husbands life, and how much joy and accomplishment it brought him in improving himself through the fraternity and being able to give back to others. In reflecting on this, and how much masonry had contributed to the life of her late husband, she reached out to Love Field Lodge and asked what she could do to give back. The response on what would make the most meaningful impact was a new altar for the lodge.
She did not build it herself (she left that to the helping hands of Brothers Billy J. Davis & Larry Bryant of Love Field Lodge) but she did have the resources to see that the lodge could afford the new altar.
After a few touching speeches of appreciation from various members, and reflections of her husbands life in and out of the lodge, the lodge presented Mrs. Sadler with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, which she seemed to be very happy with. I mean, can you tell me of another time you have seen a woman this surprised and happy?